Author: The Lion

Kyrsten Sinema, a senator representing Arizona, has announced that she will be switching parties and will now be an Independent. Senator Sinema of Arizona wrote an opinion piece for the Arizona Republic in which she blasted the “rigid partisanship” she claims to see in both major American political parties. According to her, this “partisanship” has made it harder to reach a bipartisan compromise and has led to the exclusion of diverse viewpoints. Sinema, who will be running for re-election in 2024, has said that while she will remain in the Democratic caucus, she would welcome the opportunity to work across…

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If Twitter is removed from the Google Play and Apple app stores, Elon Musk, Twitter’s CEO, has said he may develop his own smartphone. With this tweet, Musk was responding to conservative podcaster Liz Wheeler, who had suggested that Musk make a new kind of phone in case Twitter were removed from app stores. “I certainly hope it does not come to that, but, yes, if there is no other choice, I will make an alternative phone,” Musk wrote in response. Musk has been reworking Twitter to restore free speech and boost revenue. The media has given him a lot…

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With $55 million in the bank, MAGA Inc., the top super PAC aligned with former President Donald Trump, is ready to go for the 2024 presidential election cycle. Since the super PAC has not yet begun actively raising money, most of the money it has available came from a transfer of funds from Trump’s Save America political committee in late October. The majority of MAGA Inc.’s $40 million in revenue during the reporting period of October 20-November 28 came from the Save America contribution. The super PAC was founded at the end of September by a group of Trump’s top…

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A man attempted to carjack in North Las Vegas in November and was shot and killed. The woman reportedly grabbed the gun from her assailant and used it to defend herself. Unidentified woman was picking up her friend on the way to a Thanksgiving gathering when she was attacked. While she and her friend were waiting in their car, they saw another car speeding up to the scene. A second car pulled up next to the woman’s and two black men got out with their guns drawn. Screaming at the women, the men told them to exit the vehicle. The…

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Alexander Contompasis, an Antifa member, was given a twenty-year prison term for the stabbing deaths of two Proud Boys in January 2021 by a Justice of the New York State Supreme Court. The incident happened at the Albany Capitol Building during a “Stop The Steal” protest. Both of Contompasis’s victims made it out alive to testify against him in court. The incident was described by Justice Roger McDonough and Assistant District Attorney Bryanne Perlanski. Contompasis, according to Perlanski, came to the protest with “violence in his mind and in his heart,” and he planned to harm people there. McDonough claimed…

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The Russian prisoner exchange for the convicted Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout resulted in the release of basketball player Brittney Griner on Thursday. After being arrested at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo Airport for transporting vape cartridges containing cannabis oil, Griner spent nearly a year in prison. She pleaded guilty and was given a nine-year sentence, despite her claim that she had packed cannabis because she had been prescribed it for pain. In October, Griner’s conviction and sentence were upheld, and she was sent to a prison colony. In recent weeks, officials in both the United States and Russia have expressed optimism about…

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Some have criticized CNN CEO Christ Licht’s decision to cut back on prominent employees and end HLN’s original programming. Many have interpreted Licht’s move as an effort to reposition the network in the market and set it apart from its rivals, but conservatives have accused him of trying to hide the network’s history of bias and ineffectiveness. CNN has been accused of promoting progressive ideology at the expense of objective journalism and harboring an extreme bias against former President Donald Trump. According to reports, the network’s viewership has plummeted due to the network’s fixation on Trump and its promotion of…

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Balenciaga, a high-end fashion label, has been the target of widespread protests since the release of a repulsive ad campaign that prominently features images of child exploitation. Images of children were used as models for the new line of clothing in an ad campaign that debuted earlier this week. Pictures of kids as young as five wearing Balenciaga’s luxury goods went viral on the fashion house’s social media accounts. Consumers and human rights activists were outraged by the sexualized and heavily edited images. Thousands of people have taken to social media to express their outrage at the campaign and demand…

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Former attorney Michael Avenatti, who gained notoriety for defending adult film star Stormy Daniels in her lawsuits against President Donald Trump, was sentenced to 14 years in prison on Wednesday for embezzling millions of dollars from his clients. Avenatti was found guilty on multiple counts of wire fraud and bankruptcy fraud in February. He was accused of stealing millions of dollars from clients, including a man in a wheelchair, and then trying to cover it up from the courts. The judge who presided over Avenatti’s sentencing, Kathleen M. Williams, described his crimes as “not just a lapse in judgment,” but…

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