Author: The Lion

Why are people from different ethnicities against the fact that different races can fall in love with each other, no matter the color of their skin? I have fallen in love with a man that is Caucasian, and I am mixed. Even though I have no problems with people falling in love with other people that are not of their culture, there are others who beg to differ. The top 3 reasons why some people are against interracial relationships are having different cultures, races gatekeeping their people to keep to themselves, and using past history, such as slavery, as an…

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Earlier this week, Rose Woodward covered the Conservative, female social media stars you should be watching. Unfortunately, Conservative men and women are vastly outnumbered on every platform Amazon hasn’t tried to shut down, in large part because the left-wing tech crowd is more than happy to censor them. But while the weirdos you see on Libs of TikTok are disturbing but limited in their reach, and the sofa bound socialists who would be occupying Wall Street if the local Starbucks hadn’t changed the WiFi password are mildly annoying at most, there’s one social media sensation blowing up by using the…

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Former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley announced on Thursday that she would be losing the GOP Primary for President of the United States. Okay, she actually announced that she was running for president, but based off Conservative twitter’s reaction to the news, her announcement basically meant the same thing. It didn’t take long for Conservatives to recall that Haley, who served as US Ambassador to the United Nations under Donald Trump, made it abundantly clear she would support him if he chose to run for president in 2024. Well, he’s running, and unless this is a clever ploy to pull…

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Black History Month, which is February, started back in the year 1976, by Republican president, Gerald Ford. Ford pushes Americans to “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.” This was stated back in 1976, so why are we still continuing the tradition now, even though the black community has equal rights and opportunities as every race. Personally, Black History Month should be removed from the calendar. Why should we celebrate just black history? Every race has endured slavery throughout history; it was not just black people. Does…

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Trust the government. Everything is great! The White House would like The People to know that everything is okay. The United States is the strongest it has been in decades and we should be thankful for their strong and capable leadership. Evidently, to this administration, inflation is okay, high crime is okay, illegal immigration is okay, Chinese spy balloons circling the continental U.S. are okay, and mass amounts of hazardous chemicals being pumped into the air is okay. Every time President Biden opens his mouth, he praises his accomplishments. Yet, for some reason I find myself questioning whether there is…

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(Opinion) As a woman, I cannot ignore the bleak and inevitable future for women. The more Woke the world grows, the darker our future becomes. Eventually, women will not exist. We will simply be faceless, nameless, bio-products used to keep the world populated. Before I go on and because I want you to continue reading, I think it prudent to let the reader know that this will not be an article hating on men (I love masculine men; the world could do with more of them). Indeed, the true spirit of this article really doesn’t have anything to do with…

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On February 3 of 2023, at approximately 9:00 p.m. ET, a Norfolk Southern train derailed in Palestine, Ohio U.S.A. While the major news community has finally begun covering the crash in an off handed kind of way, it is important to know that their coverage has been lacking at best. This s an incredibly serious incident that has long lasting ramifications. It is reported that some of these derailed train cars were carrying hazardous materials (a partial list included below). -VINYL CHLORIDE -DIPROPYLENE GLYCOL -ETHYLENE GLYCOL MONOBUTYL ETHER -ETHYLHEXYL ACRYLATE -ISOBUTYLENE -BENZENE These compounds and isomers vary in toxicity, but…

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On February 13, 43-year-old Anthony Dwayne McRae walked into two buildings on the campus of Michigan State University and opened fire with a handgun. But if not for liberal policies that extoll the rights of criminals it may have never happened. McRae shot and killed three students and five others were critically wounded. Police say he had no known ties to the victims or the university, police later found him dead of an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound. The truth is, McRae should never been able to buy gun in the first place. According to a Fox News report. He was…

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Blue Lives Matter or Black Lives Matter; a constant debate that has taken over the United States since July 22, 2020. When the news that George Floyd died due to the hands of the police, there was a public outrage. There were riots, looters, and destruction ranging from small black-owned business to million-dollar companies. This was when the “Defund the Police Movement” began. Why would they take away our law enforcement? For what reason? Because they had done their job? A Brooklyn College professor, Alex Vitale, says, “This is a political problem, not a policing problem.” He isn’t wrong. The…

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This is Satan’s world. The world has changed tremendously, especially since Biden became our president. Really, since Obama became our president back in 2009 to 2017. In 2020, that was when Covid hit. Many people have lost their lives, become angry, and disrupted our country. What is sad is how the next generation of people will not make a significant change due to the lack of parenting. Parents aren’t being parents and are allowing their kids to do as they please. What is most disturbing is the new music that has come out to the public. Artists like Lil Nas…

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