Author: The Lion

Who is George Soros? Why is George Soros spoken of so often by the right? Why is he seen as the literal embodiment of evil and a demonic figure in the nightmares of conservatives? Soros has long been the subject of conspiracy theories, mostly because he is so open about his progressive, radical left-wing agenda, unlike most billionaires, who fund their causes inconspicuously.  George Soros is a Jewish Hungarian-American businessman and philanthropist, with a net worth hovering around $8.6 billion. He is known as, “The Man Who Broke the Bank of England, ” due to his short sale of…

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Back in 2020, when the presidential elections were active, I decided for my family and me to go to our very first Trump rally. I had never been before and was genuinely excited about the experience. However, when I first came out about how I supported Trump, I was bombarded with comments from the black community stating things like “Trump doesn’t even like us,” “You are so racist,” and “They will never accept you. You’re going to get shot and killed.” I will admit I was terribly nervous at first. I had no clue what to expect when I first…

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“… This stuff belongs on PornHub, PornHub belongs in the trash…”- Candace Owens in her YouTube video in (link) response to Sam Smith’s newest music video. Pornography is everywhere and we cannot escape it. The accessibility of pornography is at our fingertips, and it doesn’t cost us a cent. All over social media, there are pop-up warnings, flagging, and removal of conservative/anti big-pharma content, but what never gets flagged or taken down? Pornography. Pornography is the inescapable content of our generation. But How Many People Really Watch Pornography? According to Psychology Today there are over 64 million people daily who…

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Analysis: Everyone has probably heard about Biden’s recent mishandling of classified documents. Maybe you saw it on the news or maybe you read it on social media. Personally, I like Twitter. Twitter is a great place to keep up with politics. It’s the modern-day, town bulletin board. Most people worth paying attention to are there, posting their opinions and their stories. All you have to do is read. Recently while on Twitter, I came across a post that defended Biden and his handling of classified documents. The writer posted the following: “Biden Documents: Not a crime, Pence Documents: Not a…

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If vilified had another synonym, straight white conservative male would be it. Here are six reasons why it’s not easy being a straight white conservative male in today’s day and age. Reason 1: We’re racist This is an obvious one. When I taught High School, and this was back in the mid 2010s (in a predominantly Hispanic neighborhood) I was called racist, guaranteed, every class period by at least one Hispanic student. This went on for years, six class periods a day without fail. This was always a tricky word to navigate, because back in those days – all of…

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Minnesota Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar was removed from the House Foreign Affairs Committee over her history of anti-Semitic comments, Thursday. It was an event worth watching. The ravings, the rantings, the tears, the drama! Not since “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” have we seen so much emotion on the floor of Congress as when AOC stood up to defend her bestie Ilhan.   And all over a committee assignment.  House Republicans on Thursday voted to boot Minnesota Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar from the House Foreign Affairs Committee over her history of anti-Semitic comments. And the squad had a complete meltdown.  For…

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The legendary groundhog political watcher woke up and saw his shadow Thursday morning, calling for six more weeks of the Biden Administration. The annual tradition centers around the somewhat, but not really, mythical groundhog named Punsxsutawny Phil – who determines the political forecast for the year. Each February 2nd, on Groundhog day, thousands come out on a dark and early morning to see whether or not the legendary groundhog sees his shadow in the small town in Jefferson County. “It basically determines whether or not a sitting president will continue his term, or be impeached. It’s a fun tradition we…

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Mr. Beast, Jimmy Donaldson of North Carolina, currently reigns as the most subscribed personality on the YouTube platform. His content ranges from challenges to donations, the focus being on helping the less fortunate. His recent video has his charity, Beast Philanthropy, go around the world to provide surgeries that would end up curing one thousand people of blindness. He explains that there are 200,000,000 people on Earth with blurry vision to complete blindness, and one of the ways they can cure it is with a ten minute surgery. Because their eye lenses are cloudy, the procedure entails a surgeon removing…

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Jinkies, this was a bad idea… On January 12, 2023, HBO pulled off an absolute miracle: they managed to tick off the ENTIRE internet, bring everyone together, all to hate on their newest animated series, based off the Scooby-Doo IP, “Velma”. Now, how on earth DID this show turn out so bad, and why is everyone so ready to hate it? When WOKE needs to rest. WARNING: The following contains spoilers for HBO’s “Velma”, not that anyone cares, just a heads up. One of the most glaring problems this show has is made fairly clear right off the bat. In…

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The tech industry has a new tool to weaponize against Conservatives at their disposal. And it looks like this week, they started beta-testing it. Chat GPT, a chatbot created by research lab OpenAI has recently taken over the internet, with all sorts of people amazed at how well it can mimic the writing styles of famous authors and journalists. While the opportunities for the technology are endless, the implications of the technology are very frightening. Just like we saw social media sites like Facebook, Youtube, and twitter devolve from their promise of giving every American a voice, into left wing…

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