Author: The Lion

The buzz around recent revelations by Twitter CEO Elon Musk, and his merry band of misfit journalists, regarding the social media giant’s bias against conservative users, has caused many to speculate on whether these communications platforms can ever be fair. The answer to this question undoubtedly lies in how the companies choose to moderate. When Twitter began taking orders from the government on whom to ban and why, it formed many various moderation departments. These departments grew and grew, into a many-headed monster of censorship and corruption. Facebook, or “Meta”, upon answering the same call, went so far as to…

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The struggle for independence from the king of England and the establishment of a new form of government was hard but completely necessary. The mighty imperial monarchy had an iron clad grip on its colonized lands and people. The founders realized that centralized power will turn abusive. As is always the case, power corrupts, the monarchy pushed its people too hard and for too long. With many colonists escaping Europe for more food, religious freedom, land and opportunity, these brave and determined people came to the realization that the only form of government, that could survive, is one designed to…

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Florida is the way forward for America because it stands in such stark opposition to the rest of the country. The almost tropical weather, the world-leading tourism, and the numerous and notorious “Florida Man” seem to garner the attention and capture the hearts of Americans from all walks of life. What many don’t notice, however, is that the rise of success in Florida is due in large part to its exceptional local and state governance. Ron DeSantis To me, Governor Ron DeSantis is an interesting mix of Donald Trump and Ronald Reagan. He maintains a professionalism and image that most…

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Analysis: Over the years, the Pelosis have made quite a bit of money in the stock market. Under normal circumstances, this would be fine. In this case however, there have been rumors of insider trading. The claim is that Speaker Pelosi gave her husband insider information. In the following article, I will analyze a video of Speaker Pelosi responding to that claim. The article will begin with a behaviour analysis of the video featuring Nancy Pelosi (provided above) and will end with my estimation of what the analysis means. If you’d like to skip the technical writing and get right…

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Recently, some Democrat leaders have begun using the Declaration of Independence as their precedent for legalizing abortion. It’s important to say that using founding documents as precedent for new and old ideals is great. It’s what I would do. It’s what everyone should do. But these Democrats are purposefully misquoting the Declaration to fit their design. They are misinforming and manipulating the public for their own gain. In her recent speech, VP Kamala Harris said that America is the promise of liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That it is “a promise we made in the Declaration of Independence. That…

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The singers of today are full of brilliant vocalists, with amazing musical scores, and unique dance moves. What else are they full of? Immorality. It is a rare thing indeed to come across a modern singer that isn’t pushing nudity, vulgar language, and faithlessness. In fact, I dare the reader of this article to find a top artist who does not push such things. One really doesn’t need to go far to realize just how depraved the state of music has become. Everyone idolizes these singers They soak up the lyrics because of how accustomed they’ve become to hearing them.…

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This week, Louisiana Senator John Kennedy went viral for stumping one of President Biden’s judicial nominees, with some basic questions about the law. Biden nominated Spokane County Superior Court Judge Charnelle Bjelkengren to serve as a Federal Judge in the Eastern District of Washington. During her Senate confirmation hearing, she faced some not so tough law questions from the Louisiana Senator. Bjelkengren, a Gonzaga Law School graduate could not remember what Article V of the Constitution did, declaring “Article V is not coming to mind at the moment.” When asked about Article II, she declared “Neither is Article II” before…

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It’s been almost two years since the former President, Donald Trump received his ban on Facebook and Instagram in the wake of the Capitol riots. But now, Meta, the parent company of the social media platforms, has announced that it will be lifting the ban on Trump. This decision comes after the company has deemed that the security concerns that led to the ban are no longer present and the risk has reduced. Why was Trump banned on Facebook and Instagram? Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, was banned on Facebook and Instagram in the aftermath of…

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There is an amendment that can be made to the constitution which would solve all the heartache us conservatives are having under the Biden administration. Secession. There are three types of States. There are Blue States (or dystopian Totalitarian Government-style states, think California and New York), Red States (or utopian freedom-loving republic states, think Florida or South Dakota) and Evolving States (borderline states leaning either Red or Blue, think Nevada and Arizona). I’m in Nevada, an Evolving State. Once solid Blue, now barely Red. We’ll call it gray. What needs to happen is the United States needs to amend the…

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Two days after House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA-20) kicked Adam Schiff (D-CA-30) off the House Intelligence Committee for national security reasons, Schiff launched his campaign for Senate. On Tuesday, Speaker McCarthy rejected Schiff from serving on the committee for national security reasons, claiming that Schiff abused his position to mislead the American public about the contents of sensitive intelligence information. On Wednesday, Schiff joined the Chinese-owned app TikTok to complain about his firing from the committee and to ask his base for donations. In his first-ever TikTok video, Schiff claimed that McCarthy booted him from the committee “all for…

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