Author: The Lion

The FBI found even more classified documents at the Biden residence this weekend.  Only this time, it was from his time in the Senate!  This keeps getting worse and worse for the administration as friends–CNN, are starting to report on this discovery.  More and more outlets are starting to be a bit more critical of the Biden administration.   Opposition Operations? Why would the DNC wish to change out the most popular president in history?  Who are the potential candidates that could win over Trump, Desantis or Haley?  Some have suggested that the documents found have been planted…by Republican operatives!  Granted,…

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A shooting in Monterey Park, California claimed the lives of 11 people Saturday night when a gunman opened fire at a Chinese New Year celebration. In Half Moon Bay, California, seven people were killed at a farm when a coworker opened fire. California governor, Gavin Newsom, immediately declared the second amendment was “suicide”. But is the problem really an issue with guns? To put it simply, no. Gun control is not the answer to the mass shootings our country has been seeing over the past twenty years. No, our country has an issue with morality. According to a Gallup Poll,…

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Biden vs. Trump; the great political debate. Since our former president, Donald Trump, became notorious in the political field, he has been ruthlessly attacked for even things he didn’t do. As many already know, Trump built a wall to keep illegal immigrants out of America for our safety. However, since Biden has been in office, he has stopped the construction of the wall to allow millions of new potential Democratic voters into the United States. Due to Biden’s actions, as we drive in crowded cities, we see these immigrants begging on the road for food and money. Yet, there are…

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You have to give it to Kari Lake. Against all odds, she keeps fighting. She has vowed to expose the corruption and fraud in the Arizona voting system, and she is keeping to her word.  And the discoveries keep coming. One layer after another, the lies are slowly peeling off, uncovering a tangled web of fraud intermingled with the sheer incompetence of Arizona State officials. And possible out-and-out sabotage.  The latest layer comes via a freedom of information request.  In an interview on Real America Voice, Shelby Busch, Chairman of We the People AZ Alliance PAC, explained how faulty tabulators…

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Should a transgender man be allowed to use the bathroom of the sex they identify with? To give you a quick and straightforward answer: absolutely not. A trans man is still a man, regardless. However, since 2019, the LGBTQ community has been shoved down the public throat by the media, making it seem like they are the majority when this is not true. Then, kids from all over the world who were introduced to social media began “coming out” in an attempt to fit into the newest generational trend. As the years progressed, the LGBTQ community strive to have equal…

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As a conservative who still has left leaning friends, it is sometimes difficult to comprehend exactly how people I consider to be friends ended up agreeing with Democrat beliefs. I have had numerous friends go off to universities and consequently decide that my sins of voting for Donald Trump could not be excused, and that I could no longer be considered a friend because of it. That would be fraternizing with the enemy. I recently had a close friend determine I was no longer worthy of friendship after I showed excitement regarding the overturning of Roe Vs Wade after being…

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Political pollsters say Donald Trump is the man to beat in the 2024 race for the White House. Recent information from Emerson College Polling shows Trump with a narrow edge on President Joe Biden with 44 percent of respondents saying they would vote for Trump in 2024. Just 41 percent of registered voters polled said they would vote for Biden. Ten percent of those responding said they would vote for someone else. Four percent are undecided and the poll’s margin of error is plus or minus three percentage points. Biden is the hands-down favorite of Democrats to run in 2024…

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Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer Director of Research and Development of Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning, was caught on mic by a Project Veritas investigative reporter saying that Pfizer is looking to ‘mutate’ the virus ‘themselves’ in order to pump out more vaccines. “Well, one of the things we’re exploring is like, why don’t we just mutate it ourselves to we could create preemptively develop new vaccines, right? There’s a risk, as you could imagine, no one wants to be having pharma company mutating viruses,” said Walker. According to Walker, it’s ‘one of the things’ they’re considering. Pfizer is…

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Georgia Gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams usually has a lot to say. Especially about the “inequity” of the voting system in Georgia (and about soft-porn romances, but we won’t go into that now). However, Abrams has been surprisingly silent about a new University of Georgia School of Public and International Affairs post-election poll that shows that 0% of black Georgians had trouble voting in the last election. Zero percent. Not one single black person reported having a “poor” experience while voting in the 2022 election. The post-election poll, conducted by the University of Georgia School of Public and International Affairs also said that…

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Many people in America honestly believe white privilege is a thing, which is why the black community doesn’t feel valued. But let’s be honest; it is not a real thing. In the year 2020, the Democratic Party used white privilege in an attempt to win more votes for the election. Alongside the Black Lives Matter movement, liberals introduced the concept of white privilege to increase the division between races. The more research I conducted on politics, I now understand the history of the Democratic party, and how they operate. First, the Democratic party practically thrives on division dependence on government,…

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