Author: The Lion

The non-binary child of Democrat House minority whip Katherine Clark was arrested in Boston for allegedly assaulting an officer and vandalizing a monument during an Antifa riot on Saturday night.  Boston police arrested the 23-year-old Dowell for graffitiing the words “No Cop City” and “ACAB,” which stands for “All Cops Are Bastards,” on a bandstand in Boston Common. The initial report, as published by the official website of the Boston police department, identified the suspect as Jared Dowell, 23, of Melrose, leading initial reports to identify Dowell as male.  On Sunday, Clark put out a tweet about the incident that read, “Last…

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After even more classified documents were found at Joe Biden’s residence in Wilmington, Delaware, the president finally offered a defense for his actions. According to a statement directly from the world’s best press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, Joe Biden is defending himself against criminal accusations of mishandling documents by purporting the documents were just part of his emergency toilet paper reserve. “Come on man, you know that the 5th wave of COVID is coming. The pandemic isn’t over. I’ve taken the necessary precautions to protect myself from the inevitable toilet paper shortage.” Joe Biden also mentioned that he got the brilliant…

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President Biden said Thursday he has “no ragrets” about keeping the discovery of mishandled classified documents dating to his vice presidency under wraps until after last year’s midterms. A cache of documents with classified markings was found on Nov. 2 — six days before the election — inside a DC office Biden used after he left the Obama administration, but the unearthing was kept under wraps until CBS News broke the story Jan. 9. Biden scolded a female reporter who asked him about the controversy during a trip to tour storm damage in California. “What quite frankly bugs me is…

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Ron DeSantis has made Florida great again. At one point (and it feels like eons ago), Trump made America great again. So why not join forces and run on the same ticket? This will likely never happen. It would make too much sense for the Conservative Movement, after all. I’m deeply embedded amongst my freedom-loving peers – all my friends are conservative, my lovely ex-wife and her boyfriend are conservative, my immediate family is conservative, my co-workers are conservative, hell – even my teenaged TikTok watching kids are conservative (thanks in large part to my efforts to make them so).…

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U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) released data Friday evening that showed 250,000 migrants crossed the southern border last month. “Trying to hide just how bad the crisis at the border has become, the Biden administration released December border numbers in a late Friday night news dump,” the Republican National Committee (RNC) noted of the late night data drop. A total of 251,487 migrants were encountered at the southern border in December, surpassing the 179,253 encountered in December 2021 and the 73,994 encountered in December 2020, CBP data showed. Despite the record number of encounters, CBP Acting Commissioner…

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I tolerate a lot. I woke up this morning and took out the trash before going to work. Outside my house I have a temporarily-home-removed-person who waits for my trash, to whom I wish a good morning. They are also known as members of the PRFTHBTAVOS community or “persons removed from their home because they are victims of society,” but that is somewhat inconvenient to say and is really only found in the official state sanctioned “updates to the social norms and education of oppressive sub behaviors in everyday life,” or UTTSNAEOPSBIEL messages which are not required, only encouraged. [But…

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There are a number of millennial conservative women in the entertainment industry who may surprise you.  In Hollywood, it’s not uncommon to find liberal-leaning actors and actresses. They seem to be a dime a dozen and by far the majority.  It may not be a popular choice for them, but they’ve decided to celebrate their views and political choices. Here are your top 10 millennial conservative women. From well-known actresses and singers to rising stars, these 10 women have made a name for themselves in Hollywood while also staying true to their conservative values. Hilary Duff Hilary Duff, best known…

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Almost two weeks after Republicans took over the House of Representatives, one committee is moving full steam ahead with an investigation into Biden’s border crisis. During the week of February 6th, the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability announced that it will hold a hearing to examine the Biden Administration’s policies that have fueled the ongoing border crisis. The following career government officials have been invited to testify at the hearing about how Border Patrol agents are administering the crisis and the impact it is having on their mission to secure the border, according to a press release by…

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Crowder’s Initial Video on “Big Con” Back in December, we were informed by Steven Crowder that he was soon to leave The Blaze, as his contract was set to expire soon.  He said that he was not sure how exactly he would proceed from that point, though for a star like Crowder, he could go anywhere or do anything he wanted to. During the following month, he was, presumably, fielded with offers from all of the biggest names in the right-wing/conservative/independent media space. But then he released a new video this past Tuesday entitled “It’s time to stop….” So immediately…

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It is no secret how Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has felt about the unjustified covid measures to keep people locked down and unable to live freely without fear of persecution.  In his latest push under the name “Prescribe Freedom,” DeSantis vowed to permanently ban unscientific measures by making them Florida statute in the upcoming legislative session. DeSantis has been met with a mixture of support and animosity during the pandemic as he constantly made the news by protecting the rights of citizens in FL to not be coerced into anything that went against their bodily autonomy.  Nearly two years ago,…

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