Author: The Lion

How the Trans Community is Making a Joke of Women: Let’s start with the popular transgender, Mr. Mulvaney. Dylan Mulvaney, a man, came out a little over a year ago to publicly start his “Days of Girlhood” series via social media. He claimed that he was a girl, and began to wear feminine clothes, grow out his hair, wear makeup, etc. and he documented it all on TikTok. He publicly documented his transition online and gained a large following rather quickly. People clung to his page every day, seeing what his next day of “girlhood” entailed. Some of his videos…

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Link to Part 1 here. Part 2: Why Keep It Secret? Why does the Military-Industrial Complex hide from us and the world the reality of UFOs/UAPs and non-human intelligences? They are holding back technology that would revolutionize the world. They are keeping secret the fact that we are not alone in the Universe. This is something that all humans have a genuine “need-to-know.” There are several reasons for this darkest of American conspiracies. I will attempt to outline a few, as the depths tell quite a different story than the surface. The genesis of the UFO cover-up goes back to…

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By now you’ve probably heard that Netflix has a new show following Colin Kaepernick’s life as the adopted black child of two white parents, and a new graphic novel he created based on his upbringing. What created a frenzy was one particular moment, when the former Blane Gabbert backup and killer of Chip Kelly’s NFL career, accused his parents of racism for not wanting him to get cornrows. See, Colin loved Allen Iverson, and wanted to emulate his hero. But when they saw his new do, his parents disapproved, and his mother told him *trigger warning* “your hair is not…

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Today’s political climate is incredibly polarized. It seems that you must be either on one side of the fence or the other. There is no middle ground. Yet, people are not one or the other. We have differing opinions that don’t fit into neat categories. Still, society wants us all to be cookie cutter, mindless soldiers that aggressively fight what does not match a specific type. Each of us perpetuates this problem by expelling any person that does not strictly adhere to the dominant group ideology. Thus, all of us have created this “Divided States of America”. A byproduct of…

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Theater of the Absurd, or a Convenient Distraction? We all of saw our government’s disorganization and evasive answers following the first Chinese spy balloon shootdown. Suddenly these “UFOs” were being spotted all across the continent. Throughout this debacle, we kept being told that no one knew what they were. So they expected us to buy the idea that the U.S. Military suddenly decided to start shooting UFOs and somewhere along the line someone introduced the idea that these might actually be extraterrestrial. For the first time the “normies” started believing these were alien vehicles, but the so-called “conspiracy theorists” knew…

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How Social Media is Leading to the Rise of Human Trafficking What is Human Trafficking? According to A21 human trafficking is defined as: “a.)It’s the illegal trade of human beings. b.)It’s the recruitment, control, and use of people for their bodies and for their labor.” Human trafficking is happening in every city, state and in our backyards. Every day, men, women, and children are being sold, exploited and used and abused for either physical labor or sexual pleasure. Human Trafficking is Modern-Day Slavery and is Growing by Means of Modern-Day Technology: People are trafficked through many ways and sold…

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It has recently been reported that the Mexican Gulf Cartel’s Scorpions faction kidnapped four touring Americans in the city of Matamoros, tragically killing two of them. Knowing this would likely bring in unwanted attention from the United States, the gang surrendered those involved with the kidnapping to Mexican authorities with an apology and assurance it would not happen again. As horrible as this incident was, certain members of Congress would like to see more death come out of it in the form of an all out war on the cartels. This course of action would inevitably result in the deaths…

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ChatGPT is an AI tool developed to directly communicate with its users in an intelligent manner. Developed by multi-billion dollar company OpenAI, it essentially functions as a search engine that gives you the direct answer to your questions instead of a list of websites to choose from. It would ideally be able to help solve complex equations and advance human creativity, but people around the world are pointing out that it has no sense of morality in this stage, often biased towards leftist politics and social norms. One simple example of this is its ability to tell jokes. It is…

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Sean Strickland has become one of the most notorious names in the sport of mixed martial arts, known for his wild persona and impressive striking abilities in the middleweight division. He has also seen similar success to Colby Covington by playing the hardcore patriot role for social media, his pro-second amendment and anti-transgender stances earning him a permanent suspension from the Twitter platform back in May of 2022. With Elon Musk’s purchase of the platform, Strickland has found himself back in the good graces of Twitter and was allowed to return to the digital town square, where he started off…

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It is being reported that Mitch McConnell suffered a fall during a dinner last night that was serious enough to warrant a hospital visit. Dining at the esteemed Waldorf Astoria hotel in DC, McConnell was then admitted to a local hospital. This was not the first time he has suffered a serious injury from falling, but his current condition is unknown. McConnell has received heavy criticism from both the left and right in recent years. The left despises him for being a republican in general, and the right takes issue with his many anti-Trump stances. While it is true that…

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