Author: The Lion

Cue the smelling salts and the defibrillators! Tucker Carlson’s coverage of never-shown-on-mainstream-media footage from January 6th has the media in meltdown mode.  Although Tucker did nothing but report the facts as they were, including an interview with a Capitol policeman who was fired for wearing a MAGA hat even though it was only to help him navigate the crowd, the media’s description of his work ranges from “Orwellian” to “Nazi-ist.” On Tuesday, Tucker released a hilarious clip of the frenzy. Watch: Tucker Carlson laughs at a montage of the media panicking about his Jan. 6 coverage: Meanwhile, at…

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“THE’YRE CHANGING THE GUNS! THE GUNS!”  “THE GUNS AREN’T REAL MASON! THEY PUT THEM IN YOUR MIND!”  -Hudson and Mason, Call of Duty If there’s one thing all reasonable people agree on it is this: We love guns. I love guns, you love guns, the American people love guns, everyone from every other country loves guns too. Guns are amazing, they are powerful instruments, no matter what country they’re made in, that emulate the core tenants of American Culture. They are precisely machined, and constantly improved, implementing without the prejudices, the improvements from other countries’ models. They are highly functional…

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Thomas Sowell, an American author and a political commentator who was a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, quoted: “Racism is not dead, but it is on life support — kept alive by politicians, race hustlers and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as ‘racists’” (Hoover). Racism is in fact still alive in this world. People act as though racism is its own being, when in reality, only people can control what comes out of their mouths. Racism means “discrimination or prejudice based on race.” Unfortunately, this generation is stuck on the fact that only people…

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“Until, in her uttermost famine, she consumed herself.” -JRR Tolkien  The success of the new Hogwarts Legacy Addition on the PlayStation interestingly ignites the smoldering fire of JK Rowling. For 25 years people have been praising the work of the author, buying her books out of stock in stores, and selling out theaters to see her movies. She cultivated a fan base as dedicated and committed to her work as that of Star Wars, and Star Trek.  But in one stroke of her pen, all that good will vanished. It dried up like water dropped onto asphalt in the desert. It only took one…

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“There are no Teams” -Royal Tenenbaum, The Royal Tenenbaums  What have Progressives progressed? Who has the answers? Comments fly like bullets back and forth across the screens of people every day as conservatives and liberals vitriolically spurn each other anonymously yet unknowingly interact with them in grocery stores with civility and politeness. These bullets pass back and forth into some unseen ether that we think voids them out of existence. Where then do these bullets land? Whose blood do they shed? Whose flesh do they ribbon? The answer is the soul of America. Everyone thinks theirs is the golden thought,…

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Traditionally, people on the right or of the Christian faith are against abortion or as we say, pro-life. But, every so often we come across those right leaning Christians who are pro-choice and very in support of abortion. This is one of the areas where Christians come across as contradictory and need to be called out and held to a higher standard. The Bible makes very clear the pro-life stance on abortion and as Christian’s we cannot pick and choose what pieces of the Bible we want to support. So, what does the Bible have to say about abortion? Well,…

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At this point in time, it’s impossible to deny that woke Disney has enmeshed themselves in politics. They continue to dive deeper in the agenda, pushing their ideas onto young and impressionable children. Why do they have such a reach? I’ll be the first to admit, I love Disney movies. Their classic movies are just so magical, fun, and perfect for family viewing. However, their new movies leave much to be desired and one could argue that they’re simply no longer appropriate for young children to watch. That is, if you don’t want them being brainwashed into woke Disney’s politics.…

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Let’s talk about predictive programming.  What Is Predictive Programming What is predictive programming you might ask, well let me just tell you first, that you have most certainly experienced it.  Have you encountered something kind of crazy lately or heard about it/seen it on the news and maybe it did not feel as big of a shock to you? Or perhaps you felt that you had experienced it before or maybe seen a movie or read a book about it? Well, that is predictive programming. A rather frightening version of deja vu if you will.  Some say predictive programming is…

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“If science teaches us anything, it teaches us to accept our failures as well as our successes with quiet dignity and grace……… Son of a B*tch! B*stard! I’ll get you for this! What did you do to me!? –Victor Frankenstein, The Young Frankenstein.  What is science? What does that word mean? We hear it all the time, but does anyone think what exactly the word means, and what is contained within it?  “Trust the science” “I think you just need to read the science.” “I’ve read the science.” “We’re going to keep an eye on the science and see how…

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The anger and wars against the Christian religion has increased overtime. According to Matthew 10:22, is states, “You will be hated by all because of My name, but it is the one who has endured to the end who will be saved.” As the end of days comes near, Christians will be persecuted and have their religious rights taken from them. If they choose to continue their worship, their lives are at risk. In Ukraine, Christianity is being banned of its teaching to the people. Zelensky, Ukraine’s president, is against the teachings of God on his people. According to Red…

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